Wednesday 22 April 2020

Head Shave Interview : Chris

Ash – Have you ever thought about where your haircutting fetish came from?

Chris – I feel like it stemmed from when I was little. I went to the mall with my dad, and he went to get a haircut, and I started freaking out thinking I had to get one too. That’s how it started - a blessing and a curse.

Ash - When did you become aware of your haircutting fetish?

It was basically around early high school. When the internet came, I saw some videos that amplified things. There was a site called Crop Shop with a video of a guy getting a clipper cut. There was another video with a bunch of army recruits getting the induction cut. The tone of that clip was so intense. I loved it and watched it all the time.

Ash – How did you want your hair when you were young and how did you have it cut?

Chris - I didn’t care about my hair growing up, my parents always picked my style. I had a crewcut, a bowl cut. When I got to middle school, my hair started to grow longer, and it didn’t matter to my parents. It got super long in high school and I bleached it.

Ash - When did you first get an extreme haircut?

Chris - I started making my hair shorter in stages. I enjoyed going to lots of different shops and getting caped up and having different experiences. Then one day I met someone online and he buzzed off my remaining blonde hair bare, with a clipper. It was my first real clipper shave and I was very happy with it.

Ash - What is your ultimate hair cutting fantasy?

Chris - I would love to be tied to a barber chair, caped and given a barber’s choice haircut. If he was a real barber, he would leave me caped in a barber’s chair all day awaiting my cut.

Ash - If I get my hair cut short, usually I’ll come home and wank over it in the mirror. Do you do anything similar?

Chris - Sometimes I’ll just get on my bed and jerk one out. Other times I’ll wear a barber cape when I get home. I love how they look on guys and myself. It’s almost like bondage, binding guys to the chair. Turning them into Objects. They look super submissive and it turns me on. I normally just get mine from amazon or a beauty supply store.  

Ash - Is the barbershop a big part of the fetish for you?

Chris - It doesn’t have to be. I’m more dominant when it comes to the bedroom, so I haven’t been shaved too many times in sex. I prefer to shave someone else. But occasionally I do like to feel very submissive and have my head shaved.

Ash - What is the hottest haircutting experience you’ve had?

Chris - I had a friend who I met up with for kink play. He offered to tie me up. He wasn’t going to shave me at first, but we both got turned on. He told me to say no to the shaving, I couldn’t help but love it though.

Ash - Do you think the masculinity associated with barbershops and short haircuts is part of the turn on?

Chris - I don’t really add a label of masculinity to my fetish. I find the masculinity part of the fetish kind of toxic. You can still be a man and have long hair. The whole “get a real man’s haircut” attitude is dated.

Ash - I do think the fact that short haircuts are seen by our current society as masculine is a big part of at least the creation of the fetish.

Chris - I was never really forced into getting a short haircut with the thought of it being masculine, so I don’t look at it like that. I didn’t really until I joined this community. My fetish also includes the “Feminine” side of haircuts: Colours, Perms.

Ash - So were you turned on by bleaching your hair?

Chris – Yeah, I loved it the process of doing it. I’m debating a blonde buzzcut.

Ash - Where do you put yourself on the gender spectrum and does that have any relation to your hairstyles?

Chris - I’ve always identified as a male, but I once had long bleached hair, and wore girls’ clothes, so I felt like I was gender-fluid. These days I just experiment with my hair, having it long or short. I never gave it much thought in relation to gender.

Ash - What has your experience of the haircutting fetish community been?

Chris – It’s been up and down. I’ve met some awesome people in real life and online. But I’ve been facing a lot of mental health issues and having a bunch of guys criticize your appearance is really triggering. A lot just think with their penis. I’ve been offered money to shave my head a bunch of times. People need to take into account that we are not objects, we are people.

Ash - Do you think it's had any positive effects on your life?

Chris - I’ve been comfortable to explore different styles and go to awesome shops and meet new people. I’ve met a lot of friends who really do help me out day to day with my anxiety. I think it’s an awesome fetish, it’s really fun. You’ve just got to filter out the toxic energy.


  1. Always fascinates me how many versions of the fetish there are.
    I was raised when roles were not fluid at all, for example and when long hair meant effeminate. So always that voice in the back of my head shaming me if I grew my hair out.
    Would like to chat about that with someone sometime.

    1. Yeah that fascinates me too - I think for a moment I understand it and then someone says something totally new to me. I hadn't thought about the generation difference regarding gender norms coming into it - I'd be interested to talk about it - my email is or message me on tumblr
