Monday 30 March 2020

Unexpected Haircut

I’ve been growing my hair out for about a year and it’s at that awkward stage where I can’t tie it up yet, but it reaches almost down to my jaw. If you want to picture me, I’m 22, wearing a hoodie and a black band t-shirt, some bracelets and ripped skinny jeans.

I get a message from this guy on Grindr, not the type that usually messages me. He’s really muscular with short slicked-back hair, way more masculine than the guys I normally meet up with. 

“Out of interest, how much of a bottom are you?” He asks.

“I’m usually always a bottom,” I message back, feeling a bit awkward.

“How do you feel about totally submitting to me?” He messages me.

My dick is really hard at the idea of being fucked by this guy, so I reply, “Sure.”

I knock on his door and he answers wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, looking like the sort of guy you see on the cover of men’s health. He’s really friendly, he gives me a glass of wine and we end up talking on the sofa. He talks about the personal training business that he runs, and I talk about my band. I feel a little bit out of my league next to this muscley businessman and the whole time my dick is pressed hard against my skinny jeans.

“So, you want to be one of my subs?” He says, eventually.

“I want you to fuck me,” I reply, nervous.

“I only fuck guys who properly submit to me.” He sounds friendly but serious. “Stand up and take your clothes off.”

So, I stand in front of him and take off my band t-shirt, unbutton my skinny jeans and pull down my pants. He sits there in his white t-shirt and jeans looking at my dick.

 “The socks and bracelets too,” he says.

I pull all my black rubber bracelets off and drop them on the floor, and stand in front of him feeling exposed. He tells me to kneel down and plays with my hard-on, almost like he’s examining it. He puts his thumb into my mouth for me to suck and pushes his hand through my long hair.

“I’m going to put these cuffs on you.” He picks up some leather cuffs with a chain attached.

“Yes, sir,” I say, unsure if this is the right thing to say. 

He fastens the cuffs onto my wrists, my heart is starting to beat harder, my hair covering one eye. He lays a plastic sheet on the floor and tells me to kneel on it. His apartment is really clean, I guess he doesn’t want any cum getting on the floor. He attaches the cuffs to my ankles and locks them to the cuffs on my hands. I’m stuck kneeling there with a huge erection. He goes out of the room for a bit and comes back with a hair clipper. My mouth is open, too freaked out to say anything.

“I shave all my subs heads,” he says casually. “Is that okay?”

I think about my  long hair that I’ve been growing out for a year. I think about my band and how I look on stage playing the guitar with my long hair in my face. But I’m so horny, and this guy is so hot. Before I can really think about it, my lips mumble, “Yes, sir.”

He grabs a chunk of hair tight in his hand and clicks the clippers on. They make that loud electronic buzz, my heart beating really fast, his crotch is in my face. Then I feel the clippers vibrating against my head, I hear them cutting through my hair. He drops a huge load of dark brown hair onto the matt. I can’t believe this is actually happening. He moves around me, holding my hair tight, pushing the clippers against my scalp, dropping the hair on the floor. There’s no mirror to see how short it is, but the clippers feel very close to my scalp. They make this little zip sounds as he cuts off the last bits of hair.

 And then it’s finished.

“Feels lighter doesn’t it,” he says.

“Yeah,” I choke on my words, moving my head, the lightness of my head feels so strange.

"Hold your head still," he says. "I need to finish you up." He grips my head in hiand and I feel the clippers buzzing over my head, close to my scalp. He runs them all over my head one more time. "Good sub," he says rubbing his hand on my scalp. "I'll get a mirror so you can see what you look like."

He leave me there. I look in disbelief at all my long hair all over the floor. I try to reach up to feel how short it is, but my hands are chained to my feet. He comes back in with a mirror and holds it in front of me. There's just stubble left on my head, he's shaved it almost completely bald. I think about how my friends are going to react, how I'm going to explain my shaved head to them.

"It suits you," he says and rubs my stubbly head.

“Yes, sir,” I reply, not knowing what to say. It feels good being complimented by him. I move my mouth towards his crotch.

“I’m not finished,” he says, pushing my head away. 

He shows me some shaving foam and a razor. My heart drops. It does feel really good though, when he rubs warm water over my shaved head and covers it in shaving foam. He holds my head in his firm grip and I feel him pull the razor over my scalp, the sound a bit like Velcro being pulled apart. It takes him a long time to shave all my hair off. I even start to relax into it a bit, he’s so hot, maybe I can accept him shaving all my hair off if it means we get to fuck. 

When I think he’s done, he covers my head in shaving foam one more time and starts shaving it against the grain. The Velcro sound is gone, just the feel of the razor against my naked scalp. He pours water onto my head and it drips onto my naked body, then he cleans my head with a towel. The feel of the water and the towel against my bare scalp are so strange. He rubs some oil into my head and the feel of his hand on my bald scalp really turns me on. Then he holds up the mirror and I see my bald head, shiny from the oil, I look like a different person. This morning I had hair down to my jaw, and now I’m completely bald. He pushes his crotch into my face, and my lips feel his hard cock through his jeans.

“I can’t get turned on unless a sub is completely bald,” he says, pushing my face into his hard cock. He rubs my bald head with his hand again. It feels so weird and so good. “If you want to be my sub,” he says. “I need you to promise me to keep your head bald like this all the time. No more hair. You have to shave it with a razor every morning, then send me a photo. Can you do that?”

“Yes, sir,” I say, not believing what I’m agreeing to. That I’m going to keep my head bald for as long as I’m seeing him. He undoes the cuffs on my wrists and ankles. I stand up and feel my head, just skin, no hair at all

“I threw your clothes away,” he says as if I won't be bothered by this. He hands me a shiny white sports t-shirt and white shorts with stripes down the side. The type of clothes I would never wear. “Put them on,” he says. “I want to see how you look.”

There’s a white jockstrap and sports socks too. I get dressed in front of him and he feels my body through the clothes. He turns me to face a big horizontal mirror on his wall. I look like a bald chav. But I’m turned on by the way he holds me.

“I want you to bring me all your clothes,” he says, his stubble brushing against my bald head. “I’m going to choose what you wear now." He holds my dick tight through the fabric of the shorts. “You look really good bald.”


  1. Hi, I truly love reading your nice story about your "forced" headshave. I makes me feel horny!! Please continue writing!! Thank you for sharing!!

    1. Thanks, glad it turned you on. I'm going to write a sequel. Plus any idea for future scenarios - please tell me ;)

  2. This great story. I can understand why from both sides, I would easily submit to a man like him myself.

    1. Thank you - I wanted to write my ultimate fantasy - a bit of it from experience - I'm glad it's believable ;)

  3. These stories are great. Really enjoying them

  4. Hello, Ash. Hot story.

  5. want to hear more of the story...continue!

  6. I would love an experience like that. I'm getting as hard as I can locked in this cage reading it.

  7. A good fantasy situation to imagine.
